Monday, 18 December 2017
Excel hope it works :(
Here is the link to the excel sheet, it should open, the first one is a blank sheet then are my armies I am working on like my 3000 point undead army
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3 army excel sheet
Well here it is the WFB3 Army sheet I designed for myself, hopefully others may find it useful. Included are my armies I am working on at the moment just hope somebody finds it useful could be used for other editions as well.
Think I worked it out follow the below link.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Still alive :0
Well it has been ages since any posting, and I am still alive. I have been getting smashed at work and hope in the next couple of days to post something worth while, I have been doing some "oldhammer" in between shifts and such and hope to post them here for the world to see (if anybody even reads this anymore). I have been using my spare time to finish off my 3000 Point undead army and tweeked the list to where I think it should be ok for games and scenario's I want to write to get my mates involved. I also am planning a trip to Ireland to see my wife's grandmother, so if any Oldhammer players want to meet up for a game and a chin wag let me know please. More later though on that. For now my next project will be a Norse Army using my excel army builder I used and made from a 6th edition one. Hopefully I can use it here and post it for anybody that wants to use it. Until soon then happy oldhammering people!!
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Something really different
I am planning something totally different to show on here (don't know if anybody reads this or not). I have a few loves in this life and the one I will be showing is my love of the NFL and american football. So as soon as I can get some time to show you what I have been working on (as well as Blood Bowl and Space Wolves and Ultramarines) I will let you all see.
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Father and Son Time
Today my son Lachlann smashed the local Warhammer store in Penrith armed with his birthday money. He has been asking to help him learn to paint and having nothing on today we sat down for some father and son time. He has started an Ultramarines Army for 8th edition and they are coming along well. I finally got around to starting my Space Wolves Dreadnought and some Skavenblight Scramblers for the next Blood Bowl game. I had an awesome day and loved introducing another generation to the games I love. My daughter has also been painting with her boyfriend have they have just discovered Warhammer as well they are doing Necrons and a hybred Dark Angels sort of thing the traitors ☺. All in all a great day.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Dwarf Anvils ready to take the field
Hi All
Some painting done finally the Dwarf Anvils are all finished, here are some photo's enjoy. Great figures to paint.
Some painting done finally the Dwarf Anvils are all finished, here are some photo's enjoy. Great figures to paint.
Friday, 16 June 2017
Game 2 preparations are coming along well
Preparations for game 2 continue. Painting for the Dwarf Anvils are finished all 12 done. However cannot take photo's of them at the moment as my phone has died but will be taking photo's as soon as possible. The Skavenblight Scramblers are coming along well with 2 figures already painted and we have a hobby day tomorrow thanks to the release of the 8th Edition of 40k. Will be teaching my son to paint Ultramarines after soccer, I hope he enjoys it and sticks at it. Looking forward to it. Will have photo's of the Dwarf Anvils and my son's first Marines.

Preparations for game 2 continue. Painting for the Dwarf Anvils are finished all 12 done. However cannot take photo's of them at the moment as my phone has died but will be taking photo's as soon as possible. The Skavenblight Scramblers are coming along well with 2 figures already painted and we have a hobby day tomorrow thanks to the release of the 8th Edition of 40k. Will be teaching my son to paint Ultramarines after soccer, I hope he enjoys it and sticks at it. Looking forward to it. Will have photo's of the Dwarf Anvils and my son's first Marines.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Game time Gouged Eye V's Bright Crusaders

Welcome back sports fans we are moments away from the kick off and I for one am really looking forward to it. What about you Bob are you ready for the new season?
Yes I am ready I am more excited than a halfling at an all you can eat buffet Jim. Looking now I see the teams having the usual team photo and they both look ready for the game Jim.
Even now the captains are making their way to the middle of the pitch for the coin toss. I hear the coin is a special edition coin struck just for this occasion Bob.
I hear hear it is worth more than some teams Jim and may prove tempting to the goblin fans to make a disappearance.
The coin is tossed in the air and the Bright Crusaders captain Mortiz Doememann calls heads. Its heads and the Crusaders elect to receive the ball. Gouged Eye captain Daffarg Naffwart looks happy with that decision by the Crusaders and even happier with his new shiny coin. So while we wait for the Referee to be stretchered of we can tell you that it is perfect Blood Bowl weather today and 19000 fans are waiting to get it underway Bob.
19000 fans Jim? 11000 here for the Eye by the looks of it Jim.
The ball is ready and Nazeg Goburty kicks it long toward the Crusaders left hand side line. The ball sails threw the air and looks to be coming down in bounds.
Jim look over towards the other side of the pitch, it looks like these sets of fans cannot take the excitment anymore and a riot has broken out already in the stands.
Well that didn't take long Bob the first kick off and we have to wait even longer for some play as the official's sort out this mess and clear the bodies.
Well it was to much for some for the return of the NAF Jim. Good to see that is why Blood Bowl fans are the most passonate in the world, excellent team spirit Jim.
Well mean while the ball lands and the Crusaders are pushing up the left side of their pitch. Doememann has it and is harder to catch than a dwarf with a pot of gold. He makes his way through the defence and looks set to score. He puts extra effort into his running and falls over Bob! He looked set to score there, buts goes down, if the Crusaders are quick they can still come back from this and open the scoring.
The Eye are trying to pull back some defenders Jim put they look like they should of put some more time into conditioning to get quicker. What do you think Jim.
Conditioning is never a problem Bob when you are dead but if Doememann isn't quick enough he may get caught and be making an appearance with the Champions of Death next time. He gets to his feet and picks up the ball and heads to the endzone and SCORES Bob, the first score goes to the Bright Crusaders and their captain Doememann. 1 nil to the Crusaders Bob.
What a play so quick and they slammed it in. The Crusader boys looked like they have come to play Jim.
Indeed Bob can the Eye answer that?
The teams line up and there is the kick deep into the Eye's half. The Eye pick up the ball and run it up the centre of the field Nargog Skumarg the thrower has it and doesn't look like he with give it up easy Bob.
Yep looks like he will try and drive it all the way Jim. Wow did you see that block from Urtygul Snagawort the Black Orc on Paul Crasemann the defenceless Lineman. He has knocked him into the middle of next week and he is not getting up, first casualty to the Eye Jim.
Nice one from Snagawort Bob, text book pain. Skumarg drives the ball down field but it looks like, yes it does to late half time and the Eye are 1 nil down going into the half time break.
A word from our sponsor's and we will return.
Welcome back and we are just about to kick off again here. The Crusaders kick off and the ball is returned by Skumarg returns the short kick. Wow Snagawort has dropped another Crusader like a bad habit. This time though he isn't moving he is not moving Bob, our first kill of the season!
Not now Jim the medical team of the Crusaders have revived him and those herbs and healing potions are worth every penny. Lucky for Gerlach Floerke bet he is praising Nuffle for that Jim.
Yes Bob I'm sure he is but now Snagawort has two casualties and looking strong, I think the Eye have found some hitting power in him. Skumarg runs the ball to half way and BAM gets levelled by Doemamann in a last ditch effort. Looks like Snagawort has dropped the ball and it's been picked up by Crusader's Catcher Hilmar Halder. What a game Doemamann is having Bob.
Halder has broken free and is on his way to score again for the Crusader's. Wow just like that 2 nil to the Crusaders Bob.
Yeah but the Eye are 2 nil up in casualties, that's were it counts Jim.
Well here comes the next kick Bob and the Eye are struggling to put points on the board and compete with the Crusaders.
Amazing Snagawort has hit Gerlach Floerke again and this time he isn't coming back, not a death Bob but a broken jaw this time, wow Bob that looked painful.
Well Jim he should of stayed off the first time, at least the pain factor was less before the medical crew got to him.
Well it is hard to feel pain when he was brought back from dead Bob.
No excuse Jim Blood Bowl players should be used to it, but muffled groans through a broken jaw is just embarassing, what a baby.
Skumarg returns the ball and heads to the Eye's right side this time. Skumarg launches a pass to the Eye captain Naffwart and he makes his way down the sideline. The seconds are ticking away and it looks like he will score. A dodge and he is in Naffwart scores, but it is to little to late. As the ref blows his whistle and that's all she wrote folks Bright Crusaders 2 Gouged Eye 1, but the Eye win the casualties thanks to Snagawort's 3 casualties.
Thanks for watching and we look forward to our next game between the Dwarf Anvils and the Skavenblight Scramblers.
What a game I want to thank my mate Grant for playing and helping me out with the game.
In the end the Crusaders won 2-1 and went down 3-0 in casualties. Crusader fan factor went up to 2 and the Eye's stayed at 1. The Crusaders get 50,000 gp and the Eye 20,000 for the game.
Thanks for reading please leave a comment and let me know if this format for match reports is ok or if a turn by turn is better.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Round 1 NAF pre match show.
Hi Bob and our viewers of this the pre match show of a cracking and tasty first round match up between the Orcs from that famous team the Gouged Eye and the goodie two shoes humans The Bright Crusaders.
Hi Jim yes this looks like the beginning of an excellent season already, it may be long with uniforms being brought and made but we all know about the collapse of the old NAF thanks to that robber and thief who shall not be named, but we all envy him running off with the Darkside Cowboys Cheerleaders. That is of course if they haven't sacrificed him to Khaine.
Yes Bob, that guy isn't called the Three Horned for nothing! But enough about that lucky so and so, we are here for tonight's game and I am really looking forward to it. Other teams are already putting in bids to join but we will see. Tonight we have the Gouged Eye who started out really feeling the loss of Varag Ghoul-Chewer and a totally new roster. They have filled some gaps in searched high and low for players to take on this up and coming Crusaders team. Lets have a look at the roster.
Team: Gouged Eye
Colours: Red and White
Coach: Badsog Naffnog
1. Black Orc Blocker Rotgut GutStuf
2. Thrower Naffzog Durfug
3. Blitzer Skumnok Shrakrot
4. Lineorc Rotury Skaffnug
5. Lineorc Snikthug Snikrot
6. Mugshak Rutnub
7. Black Orc Blocker Utrygul Snagawort
8. Thrower Nargog Skumarg
9. Blitzer Daffarg Naffwart
10. Lineorc Gotzog Nufred
11. Lineorc Gotrog Skumrog
12. Lineorc Nazeg Goburty
12 unknowns Bob but so excited to really get the hurt on for this season. Only Gutstuf the Black Orc has had any real experience in Blood Bowl and only because he killed 3 players in team try outs.
They are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel Jim but this is what the New NAF is all about fresh starts and new faces, but I am sure as Blood Bowl always does stars will be made and deaths will follow, lets have a look at the Bright Crusaders shall we.

Team: The Bright Crusaders
Colours: Yellow, Blue and White
Coach: Jurgen Heesemann
1. Blitzer Mortiz Doernemann
2. Blitzer Erhard Bormann
3. Thrower Hermann Sass
4. Thrower Oswald Rappel
5. Catcher Sebastian Fangohr
6. Catcher Hilmar Halder
7. Lineman Simon Langenohl
8. Lineman Meinrad Gossow
9. Lineman Paul Crasemann
10. Lineman Jakob Wiktorin
11. Lineman Gerlach Floerke
12. Aloys Fels
What a bunch of nobodies Jim.
Yes Bob the only one that truly has heard of them is the local Stone Mason Girt Rockchipper who pre made all their head stones for tonight's match, but you never know they may surprise us yet, I know Coach Heesemann has put the through their paces.
Well the teams are coming out and the crowd is going wild let's head to the pitch.
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