Sunday, 26 January 2014

Hi Oldhammer Aussies,

Well happy Australia Day all, I am off night shifts and have finished my 20 Empire Spearmen and 6 2nd Edition Goughed Eye orc's, Varag has made a welcome return for the team and is pumped and ready for a game against his old rival Griff. Stay tuned everyone will be posting pictures of this and my Undead Army soon.


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Hi all,

Well after a nap for my night shift tonight I thought I would trial posting a picture for you all. I thought my army standard would be a good start. My work bench is in the background so excuse the mess!

Birth of another oldhammer blog

Well been inspired by all the great blog's I see about oldhammer so got home from work and decided to start one. I will be posting pictures of my armies and thoughts on the oldhammer hobby. This will also include Warhammer 3rd Edition and 2nd Edition Blood Bowl and maybe a bit of Warhammer 40K 1st Edition. So now off to bed as I am just back from a night shift and get some photo's now.

So relax and enjoy the ride :)